Discover How A "Melting Candy"Saved My Smile…And My Life!


Susie Ginova – Grandma, blogger, lifelong food enthusiast, is now known as the woman who brings brightness to any room.

Bad Breath Almost Killed Me…But I Got the Last Laugh!


Bad Breath Almost Killed Me…But I Got the Last Laugh!

Susie Ginova – Grandma, blogger, lifelong food enthusiast, is now known as the woman who brings brightness to any room.

When I became part of a large Italian family through marriage, I discovered a food paradise. However, the issue arose when I realized that all those tasty carbohydrates and garlic had a stronger effect on me compared to my family members.

For the next 15 years, I struggled with foul breath that wouldn’t go away.

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And Against All Odds… It Got WORSE!

I even tried changing my foods choices and spending thousands at the dentist to get to the root of the problem…but nothing changed. All I could do was bury the stench under a constant stream of breath mints.

I went from being confident and outgoing to shy, reserved, and depressed. No matter how much I brushed and flossed, my teeth and gums got even more weak, inflamed, and bloody.

Even more troubling was the fact that eating became a painful experience for me. It felt like a strange curse to be constantly surrounded by delicious food that was causing damage to my teeth, even though I could no longer enjoy it.

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When my doctor finally recommended me to a specialist, they ran a bunch of tests and found out I had a severe infection in my respiratory tract.

“Sally, if we don’t get it under control, I’m afraid it could progress into something much, much worse…”

As he listed off the potential complications, the big “c word” came up a few times. I was literally shaking out of sheer terror. My bad breath was about to kill me!

He said he still needed to run a few more tests before he could recommend treatment… so I went home pale as a ghost and in a complete daze.

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And besides the pain and discomfort… there was the expense!

During my last visit to the dentist, I almost cried when I saw the bill.


And as I thought about the specialist… whose treatment would probably be more expensive still… I nearly fainted.

Even with my “back of the napkin math” I could tell this treatment would leave me financially destitute.

Worse, I wasn’t even convinced it would WORK! How many thousands of dollars and countless visits had I already wasted on my dentist? How did I know the next treatment would make any difference?

But what choice did I have? None whatsoever… or so I thought.

Luckily, I had a chance encounter that changed my life.

And I discovered that my dental issues had little to do with my dental hygiene routine.

The primary cause of my bad breath, failing gums and teeth was...

Termite-like bacteria buried deep within my gums, eating my roots and spreading throughout my nose, throat, and airways. The SAME bacteria has also been linked to Alzheimer’s and dementia! And put me at risk for  inflammatory diseases like:
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The very same disease that was threatening to take all my teeth was also threatening my most precious memories... and even my life.

I followed the simple daily routine and faster than I would have thought was possible

Plus now I wasn’t afraid of food! (Apples, Corn on the cob, ribs… bring it!)

I could eat what I wanted when I wanted. And I could kiss my husband or my grandchildren with confidence.

Simply by eating a “melting candy” every day, I was able to knock out the bad breath, the loose teeth, and the respiratory issues in one fell swoop!

And my husband got back the smile he fell in love with!

Now I’m back to the REAL Molly. The one who lights up a room with her bright smile… and isn’t afraid to get close to people because of her breath.

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